Getting blood drawn is among the nightmares of some of us. While this is sometimes a phobia, sometimes it is because the veins are not very keen on this issue. So why are some people’s veins so difficult to find?
Sometimes doctors spend minutes even for a simple blood draw. Because The vein to be intervened in for this procedure is not an ordinary vein.
Enter, Let’s look at the reasons for this annoying situation.
Among the reasons why it is so difficult to find veins: there is the depth and size of the veins, whether they are dehydrated, and people’s stress levels.
In addition, external factors such as blood collection technique and room temperature can make it difficult or easier to find veins. Temperature is very important because Surface veins are part of the body’s temperature control system.
When we feel very hot, all our veins dilate and cause us to lose heat. When we are cold, our body secretes hormones to constrict blood vesselsIt reduces the diameter of the veins and makes them almost impossible to expand.
Aside from external factors, it is also possible for a person’s veins to be too small and deep to be easily detected.
Patients with deeper veins under the skin, especially those with high body mass, experience considerable difficulties during blood collection. Some people also have rolling veins. These veins It moves easily when touched and can change position as the needle is inserted.
On the other hand, stress and anxiety levels can make it harder to notice veins because the blood vessels in the skin as it contracts as part of the “fight or flight” responsethe veins that feed the muscles expand.
Again, if the person is dehydrated, It becomes difficult for doctors to find veins and take blood. In summary, whether things go smoothly during blood donation depends on many variables.
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