Why Did People Used to Do Sports in Suits?

If we saw someone in a suit at the gym today, we would find it strange and think it looked wrong, right? However, in the 1800s, people were exercising in these exact dresses!

Nowadays sports equipment in its most primitive formThere were women in their fluffy and flashy dresses and men in their stylish suits.

Really, why do people like going to a wedding was he going to sports?

The first exercise machine was invented by Dr. in 1892. It was invented by Gustav Zander.

Zander, a Swedish doctorHe even gave sports lessons in Stockholm. Zander, who can be considered the first personal trainer in history, produced sports equipment that was very similar to today’s equipment. In other words, he is the person who laid the foundations of today’s fitness centers.

Generally used by rich families It had everything you wanted in sports equipment. Even weirder, as you can see in the photos, people were exercising as if they were going to the wedding.

Although today people do sports in lycra and stretchy clothes, in the Victorian period people could not give up their period clothes.

So why do you think people choose to do sports in these strange and uncomfortable clothes? This situation, which seems very absurd to us, actually has a very simple explanation. Those times, Designed for people to wear in these halls There were no special clothes.

That being the case, people went to such a ‘special’ place wearing their most elegant clothes. Of course, over time this It is impossible to do sports with clothes When they understood it, they started to design casual and comfortable clothes like today.

That’s how sports culture It spread all over the world since the late 1800s.

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Source link: https://www.webtekno.com/insanlar-neden-eskiden-takim-elbiseyle-spor-yapiyordu-h145879.html