Have you noticed that clocks often show 10.10 in advertisements or store windows? Well, have you not only noticed but also wondered why this is so?
At first glance completely Even though it seems like a coincidence There are other reasons behind it. Of course, there are also legends.
In that case What 10.10 actually represents And let’s take a closer look at what effect it has on our psychology.
Let’s start with the legends first.
There are some myths that are widely believed in the United States. According to them Abraham Lincoln, Considering that the death time of some people, such as John F. Kennedy, is 10.10, the clocks are adjusted accordingly. However, when looking at reality, you may notice that there is something wrong with the watch.
For example, Lincoln He was assassinated at 10.15 but he died the next day. There are also differences in other names. Therefore, even though there is belief, we eliminate this option.
Aesthetic appearance is the primary goal.
Visualize the hour and minute hands. Symmetrical When opened upwards, it creates a balanced appearance. Symmetry also helps people a visual satisfaction and emphasizes the overall design of the watch.
Another detail is related to the location of watch brands. Logos are usually located at the top of the watch face, below 12.00, with the hour and minute hands, without covering the logo It creates a beautiful frame.
There are also psychological effects.
When we look at the clocks in 1950, 08.20 was used. In fact, it was the opposite of 10.10 and again there was symmetry. However, studies conducted by watch brands have shown that the position of 10.10 gives the impression of smiling. 08.20 is a sad face.
That’s why 10.10 stands out as a small but effective detail and makes the person who sees the watch notice it. positive emotion creates. This image, which resembles a smiling face, makes watches more attractive and attracts the attention of potential customers.
An experiment was even conducted on this subject. Participants were shown the clocks at 10.10, 11.20 and 08.20 without mentioning the subject. Subjects 10.10’s smile, He admits that 08.20 creates the perception of a sullen face. There is also a greater desire to buy watches that show 10.10.
As you can see, it’s a small detail, in purchasing a watch It literally affects us. While it plays an important role in the sales strategies of companies, we see once again how everything in our lives is planned and thought out.
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Source link: https://www.webtekno.com/saatler-neden-baslangicta-on-onu-gosteriyor-h144229.html