As if octopuses didn’t have enough arms, they also have three hearts. So why three hearts instead of one? It has something to do with their blue blood!
Octopuses are undoubtedly one of the most interesting animals in the living world. Their blood color is blue, they have eight arms, they can recognize people, their intelligence is at a very high level, they have incredible abilities and They have three hearts.
Really, Why do they have three hearts? Does each have a different function? If so, what functions do they have? Let’s get to know the world of these interesting animals more closely by diving into the depths of the waters.
Having three hearts is one of the results of their blue blood.
Octopuses are in the cephalopod group and they have blue blood because to a protein called hemocyanin, rich in iron and copper, to carry oxygen. they have. The same protein is found in some tarantulas, some scorpions and some crabs.
Hemocynin is not very good at carrying oxygen throughout the body. For this They also need other helpful things. This is where the other two hearts come into play.
The job of the other two hearts is to help carry oxygen.
The two extra hearts pump blood through the gills, where it receives oxygen, while the central heart provides energy to organs and muscles. It circulates oxygenated blood throughout the rest of the body.
So two extra hearts to get oxygen By pumping past the gills, it pumps blood to the body at higher pressure. and supports hemocene’s oxygen transport.
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