Scientists continue their studies and discoveries about space every day. Their latest research is about the existence of fungi in space. What do you think mushrooms could be doing in space?
Every vegetable, fruit or living thing actually has more abilities than you think. Besides There are secrets hidden in their structures that you could never guess.
Come see scientists growing mushrooms in space Let’s see why he is so persistent.
Scientists have discovered that fungi have the potential to help space travel, not hinder it.
Most living things that go outside the Earth’s protective magnetic field needs protection to survive DNA-damaging cosmic radiation in space. However, the situation is different for mushrooms.
Many species of fungi can safely absorb high levels of radiation and, in some cases, convert this energy into It produces a unique form of melanin, a pigment used to stimulate growth.
In addition, many mushrooms has powerful repair systems that activate by repairing damaged DNA sequences And besides, radiation is not the only cosmic element they can withstand.
The hardy spores of fungi have thick cell walls that allow them to survive extreme temperatures.
Again, most fungi have hair-like root structures called mycelia. As it grows, it easily binds to nearby materials such as wood shavings or regolith.
The result is a dense, interconnected network that creates a surprisingly durable building material that protects against both thermal and radiation. Scientists also evaluated this ability that mushrooms have. seeks to create fungal habitats in space.
Finally, fungi can secrete a variety of chemical degradative enzymes that can dissolve carbon-rich asteroids into soil and It may pave the way for positive developments in space.
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