All of the stones have unique colors. They have all the colors you can imagine. So why are they not one color, but have different colors that differ from each other?
When you go to a place that sells natural stones or sit by the sea and collect stones, you can see all of them. It has unique colors You must have noticed.
Blue, purple, pink, green, yellow, white, orange… This is why they have so many different colors. There are several reasons behind it.
Their crystal structures are different from each other.
The crystal structure of stones can change the way they absorb and reflect light. Different crystal structures, by absorbing different wavelengths of light in different ways It changes the color of the stone. Thus, stones of different colors emerge.
opal stone
In addition, the microstructures inside them affect how light is scattered and absorbed as it passes through the stone. For example, the stones we call opal, It can have various colors as a result of the refraction of light.
Minerals also have an effect.
Stones formed by the combination of minerals; It is shaped due to different factors such as wind and temperature. One of the reasons why they have different colors is Difference of minerals in their structures. Scientists say there are 4000 different types of minerals, and most of them have different colors. That’s why the color of the stones also changes.
In addition, some stones containing fossilized organisms or organic materials may contain. These also affect the color and pattern of the stone. For example, amber consists of fossilized resin and may have insects or plants trapped inside.
All these reasons are why stones have a wide range of colors provides. We can say that they all have different stories and characteristics.
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