When you get up quickly from the couch or bed you are lying on, you must have experienced dizziness, blackout and light-headedness. So why does this happen?
This problem, which we encounter as a result of standing up suddenly, is quite common but also annoying. The effects are Sometimes it feels like it will never go away.
Enter, Let’s look at why we encounter these problems as a result of sudden movements.
In fact, this response of the body is known as postural or orthostatic hypotension.
It is caused by a rapid change in body position. Vision changes seen seconds after standing up quickly, dizziness and lightheadedness, a sudden and temporary drop in blood pressure occurs due to.
Also in these seconds not enough blood and oxygen to the brain. The oxygen supply to the light-sensing tissue of the retina also tends to decrease. Because the retina needs a lot of oxygen to function perfectly.
Again, when you stand up, approximately 300-800 cc of blood is drawn into the legs, causing a temporary decrease in blood pressure.
This means that 0.3 to 0.8 liters of blood suddenly flowed into the legs. This drop in blood pressure causes blood pressure in the arteries that supply blood to the brain and The flow of blood after oxygen is delivered to the body is sensed by pressure-sensitive receptors in the right atrium of the heart.
These activated receptors then triggers a response that balances a person’s blood pressure and as a result, blood vessels constrict, leg and abdominal muscles contract, and heart rate increases.
These effects are often unnoticeable, but if you don’t drink enough water or have an illness such as the flu, the drop in blood pressure may be more pronounced And it may take longer to balance.
In short, blurred vision and dizziness when standing up suddenly, It is a normal reaction of the body and nothing to worry about. However, if the symptoms increase, you can consult a healthcare provider.
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Source link: https://www.webtekno.com/aniden-ayaga-kalkinca-neden-basimiz-doner-gozlerimiz-kararir-h146996.html