You must have experienced that you gradually feel heavier and sleepier, especially after lunch. But have you ever wondered why you feel sleepy after eating?
Food and beverages are generally our biggest energy sources. However Isn’t it strange that they make us sleepy when they should make us more vigorous?
Enter, Let’s answer this question.
Eating triggers certain actions in the intestines and the body in general.
Blood sugar levels that fluctuate with meals, It is one of the factors that contribute to the sleepy feeling we experience after eating. Consuming especially high sugar foods, blood sugar rises and then falls rapidly may cause.
Hormones also play a role at this point. Some times after eating, There may be an increase in serotonin production and release. Although this is popularly known as the happiness hormone, it has different side effects.
Although serotonin is a feel-good hormone, plays a critical role in our mood and sleep cycles And when this hormone level rises after a meal, feeling sleepy becomes inevitable.
On the other hand, some foods can make us sleepier than others.
An amino acid called tryptophan triggers drowsiness. This is because it plays a role in serotonin production. Tryptophan; in protein-rich foods such as cheese, eggs and turkey is available.
For example, some foods, such as cherries, It increases the level of melatonin and thus makes us sleepy. Of course, milk is also included in these foods.
Melatonin balances and strengthens the coupling of circadian rhythms, especially sleep-wake rhythms with temperature.
However, it is difficult to list which foods and drinks induce sleep or distract us from drowsiness. Because While a food may make some people sleepy, it may disturb others’ sleep.
At this point, intolerances play a role. However, adding high fiber foods to our meals, to balance our blood sugar levels and prevent that crash. It is important.
Besides Avoiding eating large portions and keeping track of meals regularly, It can help prevent drowsiness and drowsiness.
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