The holiday that we all look forward to is our escape route from a busy and stressful life. But sometimes, while we want to enjoy the holiday by rushing until the last minute to get our work done, we encounter an unfortunate situation called holiday sickness.
This is the situation you will hear in most people. in medical literature Even if there is no answer, experts have come up with a solution to this issue.
Well this disease is ours to come us going on vacation Is he waiting?
You’d be right to be a little annoyed that the holiday brought with it an unwanted guest.
Actually, we can explain this situation with only one thing: Stress hormones. The body, which is away from the hustle and bustle of the day and the stress of working, suffers from the deprivation of stress hormones.
The feeling of peace and relaxation of being on holiday, to combat work stress It can disrupt the balance of helpful hormones and make us vulnerable to infections. While adrenaline strengthens our immune system in times of stress, the cortisol hormone can upset this balance and weaken our immune system.
When we move into the relaxed atmosphere of a holiday after a stressful working day, our hormonal balance is disrupted and our resistance to diseases decreases.
Another possible scenario is that we actually without realizing that we are sick while at work It may be that we grit our teeth until the holiday time and realize our illness when we relax.
Maybe under intense workload, signals given by our body By ignoring it, we normally do not realize that we are sick. However, when we relax and unwind on holiday, we may feel these signals that our body gives us more clearly.
You may be thinking, what kind of diet is this, what kind of sauerkraut is this? But The stress hormone that we get used to in our daily lives We are so used to it taking over our immune system that when the opposite happens, we can immediately experience a negative scenario. This is the only reason for our disease.
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