We know how information we see on the internet spreads within minutes. Even if this information is true or not, it is the same. In fact, most of the time, correct information does not spread as quickly as incorrect information. What do you think could be the reason for this?
Access to information becomes easier Nowadays, getting information from the internet has become child’s play. Moreover, no one even confirms the accuracy of the information.
Do not think that the situation is limited only to the internet. In daily life too ‘fake’ informationis in more demand than the truth.
Today, accessing information has become easier than ever before.
Through the internet, everyone can access and share information on any subject they want. However, this free access to information also allows the rapid dissemination of unverified information. A study conducted on this subject at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology found fake news compared to real news It revealed that it was shared 70% more.
The main reason for this situation is Fake news is often more interesting, surprising and evoking emotional responses. People are sharing such content faster and more widely.
Bot accounts, especially those existing on social media platforms, also play an important role in the spread of false information and conspiracy theories.
However even when bot accounts’ data is excluded, misinformation appears to spread faster than truth. This shows that when people encounter uncertain situations, they try to understand this uncertainty by sharing such content.
There is also a conspiracy theory about this situation. Conspiracy theory It is actually based on real situations, but there is no objective and accurate data proving these situations. In other words, an unfounded claim made about a subject is nothing more than a conspiracy theory.
People prone to conspiracy theories are more likely to believe false information.
People with advanced analytical thinking skills, usually analyzes the accuracy of information while obtaining it. However, some people accept every information they hear, assuming it is true, and even spread it to their surroundings.
This is how the information we call false circulates and grows. Accessing reliable information, It’s not as difficult as we think. But people always prefer to take the easy way out.
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Source link: https://www.webtekno.com/yanlis-bilgi-nasil-hizli-yayiliyor-h146422.html