Our skin is one of the most important parts of our body that elevates our appearance. We make a lot of effort to take good care of him and look healthy. However, as we get older, it becomes very difficult to prevent wrinkles. So why does skin wrinkle as we age?
Everyone’s skin structure is definitely different. While some of us meet wrinkles early For some of us, this process begins at a very old age.
Enter, The relationship between aging and wrinkles let’s see.
The skin is the part of our body where the effects of aging are most clearly noticeable.
The main cause of wrinkles on the skin is, of course, aging, but different factors can also cause this situation. Namely, in the structure of the epidermis, which is the top layer of the skin, The amount of keratin is high.
Keratin is the component that gives the skin mechanical resistance. The dermis layer under the epidermis is thicker. In its structure; blood vessels, nerves, elastic proteins that provide flexibility to the skin, and collagen that makes the skin more taut. is available.
The production of these proteins unfortunately decreases as we age. For example After the age of 20, collagen production in the dermis layer decreases by an average of 1% each year.
In addition, as we age, these filamentous proteins begin to thicken and form a ball-shaped structure.
These changes in the chemical structure of collagen and elastin proteins It causes the skin to lose its elasticity and become easily deformed. Thus, wrinkles appear.
In addition, as we age, dead cells in the skin are shed, but these dead cells do not leave the skin as in younger ages. of these accumulation in the skin and thickening over timeis one of the factors that cause wrinkles.
One of the processes that causes the skin to lose its tension is It is the shrinkage of fat cells in the skin over time and the thinning of the fat layer under the skin.
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