Although the Earth rotates, we see that the stars appearing in the sky remain motionless where they are. This brings to mind the following question: Why do we see the stars clearly and not blurry even though the Earth is moving?
shining in the sky stars appear fixed and distinctis actually based on the capacity of our eyes to perceive speeds.
this is temporal and spatial resolution of the visual system is also a result. But how?
The stars in the sky follow a specific circular path as the Earth rotates.
The Earth both rotates around its own axis and moves in an orbit around the Sun. However, these movements are too slow to be noticed in our daily lives. The Earth rotates around its axis approximately every 24 hours, which means that the stars are moving at a certain speed across the sky. However, this speed is not fast enough to affect our observations.
Moreover Because of the distance of the stars, their apparent positions in the sky change at very small angles. The Earth’s motion does not greatly affect the apparent positions of the stars because the stars are millions or even billions of kilometers away from us.
The human eye and most telescopes work with short exposures.
this too will not be able to perceive the movement of stars in the sky for such a short time. For example, stars remain almost stationary during the short exposure times used when taking a photo.
Last but not least Earth’s atmosphere, can affect the appearance of stars, but this is generally known as twinkling and does not create blur. When atmospheric conditions are suitable, stars can be seen very clearly and distinctly.
At work independent of Earth’s motion These are all the reasons why we can see the stars still and clearly in the sky.
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