He placed on his citizens North Korea, known for its prohibitions and strict policies; It adds new prohibitions to its prohibitions.
Among these; penalties for divorcees (heavier for women than for men), a ban on the sale of budae-jjigae, a dish imported from South Korea, and the hot dog we will talk about today. such as being considered a “crime of treason” There are things.
North Korea is constantly trying to exclude Western culture from their country.
The current leader of the country, Kim Jong Un, became famous for hot dogs during this period when American-inspired South Korean dishes became popular. will be considered as treason he said.
People caught selling or cooking hot dogs in the country will be sent to labor camps. They believe that they can get away from capitalist culture in this way. The prohibitions do not end here.
The sale of the dish called “Budae-jjigae” was also banned.
There is also the sale of “budae-jjigae,” a spicy Korean-American dish called “army base stew” imported from South Korea. “enemy culture” It was described as and banned.
This dish was created in the region during the Korean War in the 1950s. Meat thrown away by US soldiers had emerged. Those who were hungry made stew with this meat.
There is a penalty for divorce.
Divorce in North Korea is considered an anti-socialist act. Divorced people, They are sent to labor camps for 1 to 6 months. According to a statement by a North Korean woman, women receive harsher punishments than men.
“There are 30 men and women sentenced to divorce in the labor camps. Sentences for women are longer and harsher.” he says.
North Koreans, He will divorce as he wishes and celebrate with a hot dog. We hope the day will come..
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