Microsoft’s artificial intelligence feature Recall, which aims to increase efficiency by recording users’ computer activities, but also raises privacy concerns, has been postponed again. This artificial intelligence-supported tool promises to create a customized experience by taking screenshots of users.
Windows Recall delayed once again
Microsoft has again delayed the launch of its controversial screen recording tool Recall due to privacy concerns. This artificial intelligence-supported tool aims to record users’ desktop activities by taking screenshots.
Recall, which was initially planned to go into the testing phase in October, has been postponed to December with the new announcement. Microsoft stated that more work is needed to strengthen user privacy and security.
Recall has been subject to intense criticism since it was first announced. Users do not consent to having their personal information recorded by taking screenshots. He also thinks that this data cannot be stored securely.
Following the reactions, Microsoft had committed to adding login verification with Windows Hello and making participation optional in the first postponement. But the new postponement showed that the company still needs to work to address concerns.
Microsoft also assured users of greater control over data collection and assurance that their files would be stored on their systems. Some experts think that repeated postponements raise questions about whether Recall was taken into consideration sufficiently at the beginning.
So what do you think about this issue?
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