Elon MuskSocial media company owned by Xnew sorting to make it easier to see the answers you’re interested in offers options. Replies are now sorted by most relevant, most recently shared, and most liked.
Considering that accounts with high followers receive hundreds of comments, we can say that this new feature offers a remarkable solution for these accounts. Because comments from verified accounts were highlighted, those shown at the top were not the newest or most relevant. By the way, we should point out that X does not explain how to determine which answers are most relevant. The change went into effect this weekend.
XWe would like to inform you that ad interactions decreased by 78 percent in we had transferred. Following this news, the company will close its San Francisco office in the next few weeks. announced. It is possible to say that X focuses on increasing interaction on its platform by changing the response order.
Source link: https://webrazzi.com/2024/08/12/x-yanit-siralama-seceneklerini-yayina-aldi/