Elon Musk, X It combined its own artificial intelligence with its application. Introducing the short summary feature for Discover news, X is Elon Musk’s Grok AI artificial intelligence works together with. It is now associated with a trending story under the “For You” tab in Explore. summary of posts You will be able to read thanks to Grok AI.
X will summarize trending stories with artificial intelligence!
X It contains thousands of news a day. It can be quite difficult to follow the plot, especially in trending news. Developed a simpler method for this Elon Musk, brought its two applications together. Both X and Grok A.I.Musk, the owner of , integrated the artificial intelligence application into the application to make the work of X users easier.
This system will work as follows. There is a lot of news in the “For You” tab on X. When you tap to view them, there will be a short summary at the top, based on all the posts of the relevant news. In this way, you will be able to quickly access the summary of the event without getting lost among thousands of posts.
This service Premium Designed to increase the number of subscribers, X is available in the application thanks to Premium. GrokIt allows you to access . Apparently, Elon Musk, who plans to take the collaboration of X and Grok AI further in the near future, will make the application more useful.
We found it very appropriate to introduce such a feature to X, formerly known as Twitter. In our opinion, this type of summaries should be available in many applications such as Instagram and Facebook. How did you find X’s artificial intelligence-supported summary feature? You can express your opinions in the comments.
Source link: https://shiftdelete.net/x-twitter-zaman-kazandiran-ozelligini-duyurdu