Yandex Navigation, which has become the primary choice among navigation applications in Turkey, enables the route to be transformed into brands with its advertising format Geoservices Banner.
In Yandex Maps and Navi, users can find ATMs and places open 24 hours a day, and create special routes to the places they want to reach by reading comments about the places they are interested in. It is aimed for brands to capture the target audience with Geoservices Banner, which offers content about the products and services of brands to users stuck in traffic.
When the Geoservices Banner shown at the bottom of the screen is clicked while the route is being created and the vehicle speed is zero, the details of the advertisement are accessed and the action button is seen. While the banner’s special design draws the attention of the target audience to the advertisement, it aims to increase brand awareness by creating brand-related associations in users.
Brand awareness increased by 50 percent
Lessy, an application that brings together discounts and offers from stores all over Turkey and allows users to see the best offers near their chosen location, managed to increase brand awareness by 50 percent at the end of the first month of using Geoservices Banner.
To expand its target audience and increase brand awareness, Lessy focused on users who use Yandex Geoservices and map services such as Yandex Maps and Navi while going to shopping points. Lessy Country Manager Niyazi Doğan Öncü said, “When we started our advertising campaign at Yandex Geoservices, our aim was to introduce our services to the widest possible user base. “The impact of ads on Yandex Navi has exceeded our expectations in terms of brand awareness,” he said.
- Yandex Maps Thanks to its rich database, it is a multi-purpose assistant where you can easily find the addresses and locations you are looking for, get the necessary information about these places, and create a route to these places with a single click.
- Yandex Navi It is an application aimed at improving the driving experience and allows you to reach your destination via the most appropriate route and helps you drive with directions and warnings.
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