It can produce 0.65 liters of water per hour
By using Solar Powered Atmospheric Water Extraction (SAWE) and improving the design, the researchers were able to use standard sunlight and 90% don’t under per hour 0.65 liters per square meter managed to produce fresh water. Researchers believe that the system It can work in regions with humidity as low as 40% states. The system was developed for off-grid freshwater production from water-scarce regions and irrigation in agriculture.
Although the concept and technology of collecting water from the air is not new, existing solar-powered systems are stated to be cumbersome. Solar-powered collectors follow a two-stage cycle. water, first is drawn from the air by an absorbent material and when it becomes saturated, the system is shut down. And then It is heated by sunlight to obtain water. According to the team, switching between the two processes requires both physical work and a switching system. This increases complexity and cost.
They were inspired by plants
In the new collection device developed at KAUST, Neither is needed. Instead, between the two stages passively By switching, it can be cycled continuously without any help. The team stated that they were inspired by nature while developing the system and that plants mimic special structures that efficiently transport water from their roots to their leaves. says.
Researchers have found that it is very important for capturing atmospheric water and producing fresh water. public transport bridges He developed a system called . These bridges are filled with a salt solution that absorbs water. through vertical micro channels is formed. The water-rich solution is similar to how water moves up plant stems. It is pulled up through the channels by capillary action. As the solution thickens, it spreads back down and the process is repeated, collecting more water. According to the researchers, the innovative design efficiently combines the open section for water capture with the closed section for freshwater production.
In the system they developed, the researchers used a water-absorbent fabric, a low-cost hygroscopic salt and a plastic-based frame. Materials affordable and available They state that they chose them because of their availability, so the cost would be low for large-scale applications in low-income areas.
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