This new film, directed by Fede Álvarez, known for his horror films such as Don’t Breathe and Evil Dead (2013), begins a new era for the Alien series. Because Romulus was not shot as a direct sequel to the last movie of the series, Alien: Covenant. Leaving behind the story that Ridley Scott started with Prometheus and continued with Covenant, Fede Álvarez instead tells a brand new story set in this universe.
Alien: Romulus will be released on August 16
The first comments say that Alien: Romulu focuses on horror rather than science-fiction, which the trailers released for the movie already pointed out. However, judging by the comments, Romulus is quite assertive not only with its horror elements but also with its action side. It is said that the film bears traces of both the first Alien film and the sequel directed by James Cameron, namely Aliens. If you remember, James Cameron’s Aliens was a much more action-oriented production compared to the first movie. It seems that Romulus is trying to blend the two.
On the other hand, another frequently repeated issue among the first comments is the impressive main character of the film. The character of Rain, played by Cailee Spaeny, is compared to Ripley in the original series, and Spaeny’s performance is also praised.
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