Amazon was planning to launch the new Alexa, supported by generative artificial intelligence, in October 2024. However, this goal was not realized. In previous news, it was stated that the company postponed the launch of this new generation voice assistant to 2025. According to a new report published by The Financial Times, Amazon still has to overcome a number of “technical hurdles.” Chief among these obstacles are the problems of “hallucination”, which means false or misleading results that artificial intelligence gives from time to time.
“The hallucination rate should be close to zero,” said Rohit Prasad, leader of Amazon’s General Artificial Intelligence (AGI) team, stating that this problem should be solved. Prasad stated that users actively use Alexa at all hours of the day and that a negative user experience can be created if it provides incorrect information. He also emphasized that this problem is not unique to Amazon, but is a widespread problem in the industry that still needs a solution.
In addition, Alexa’s response time (latency) is another important problem that Amazon is working on. Users expect a quick response from Alexa. However, according to Prasad, improving technical details such as response time is a rather complex process. This is because Alexa integrates with hundreds of third-party applications and services. “We sometimes underestimate the number of services integrated into Alexa, but this number is incredibly high,” Prasad said, outlining the challenges of the integration process.
The next generation Alexa is planned to be supported by Anthropic’s Claude AI and Amazon’s own developed Nova models. However, it is also stated that the use of this new technology will require a subscription system. Although Amazon aims to generate revenue through this model, it has not yet announced an exact release date.
Anonymous Amazon employee: New Alexa won’t be available anytime soon
Speaking to The Financial Times, an Amazon employee said that the new version of Alexa is not expected to be available anytime soon. The employee stated that this new generation should be “almost 100 percent operable” and that there is still a lot of work to be done to achieve this goal. Additionally, steps such as adding safety filters for children and passing existing integrations through various tests need to be completed.
Amazon aims to perfect the generative artificial intelligence-supported version of Alexa in order to improve the user experience and maintain its leadership in the industry. However, this process involves complex processes such as technical difficulties and the integration of innovative technology.
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