However, the financial agreement between the tech giants resulted in an Apple executive accessing Google’s search engine. There is no meaningful alternative That being said, it seems like a symbiotic relationship. Apple’s Senior Vice President of Services Eddy Cue said that Bing is not an alternative to Google and Microsoft’s He said that Apple would not choose Bing even if it gave the entire company.
“Microsoft offered to give Bing for free”
In 2018, Microsoft reportedly tried to sell Bing to Apple, but the platform with quality and accuracy issues It was reported that it was full and therefore it was not possible for it to compete with Google’s platform. The software giant last attempted in 2020 but did not get results. Cue, even Microsoft has Bing for themselves I offer to give it for freegod still
Although Apple and Google were happy with their agreement, the latest monopoly decision resulted in the agreement having to be terminated and Apple’s annual being deprived of income exceeding 20 billion dollars may cause.
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