Remember that warning we all heard at least once as a child? “Don’t swallow gum, if you do, your stomach won’t be able to digest it for seven years!” So, how true is this legend?
Does it really take years for swallowed gum to be digested or is it done by our elders? were we deceived?
Let’s take a closer look at this intriguing subject and facts Let’s put it out there.
Components of chewing gum and the digestion process
Chewing gum essentially consists of a number of ingredients: resin, elastomers, softeners, sweeteners and flavorings. Our digestive system can easily break down some of these components, but the resin and elastomers are resistant to digestion.
These resistant components ensure that the gum can be chewed for a long time. Well, this is the case with chewing gum. cannot be digested Does it mean?
No, actually it’s not that simple. What is important about the digestion of chewing gum is how our digestive system handles such resistant substances. Our body combines indigestible substances with digestible parts. processes it and throws it out.
Our stomach and intestines are highly capable of processing indigestible substances.
Even though a swallowed gum is not broken down by stomach acids, it is involved in the normal digestive process when it reaches our intestines. In other words, chewing gum, like other foods, moves through bowel movements and is eliminated from the body through feces. This process is usually it takes a few days, Not seven years!
So, where does the legend of seven years come from?
Chewing gum does not stick to our stomach like it does to our shoes or hair. Like most myths, this one probably sucks kids into chewing gum. discourage swallowing was put forward for. The idea that swallowing gum could be harmful may have been said to encourage children to chew gum carefully.
However, modern medicine has proven that swallowing gum is harmless in most cases. Still, he has advice on this matter. Room children over 5 years old His opinion is that it will not be a problem for him to chew gum occasionally. However, when giving gum to children, it is a good idea to tell them that it is something that should not be swallowed.
There are also possible risks of swallowing gum.
Although swallowing gum is generally harmless, caution should be exercised in some cases. Especially in young children and when large amounts of chewing gum are swallowed, intestinal obstruction Problems such as this may occur.
If you have satisfied your curiosity, next time you are chewing gum, do not worry. You can enjoy!
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