Have you ever thought about how spacecraft can change direction in the space environment? More precisely, what kind of mechanism do these vehicles have so that they can go in any direction they want?
As we all know, spacecraft travel to a point in space or designed to perform specific tasks in specific orbits in space are tools.
Enter Let’s examine their mobility.
Essentially, the gas created by the burning of rocket fuel pushes the spacecraft in the opposite direction as it is expelled.
In addition, it is usually placed on the spacecraft to increase, decrease or change the direction of the speed of the spacecraft moving in a balanced manner. Small propulsion systems or rotating wheels are used.
Thanks to the small thrust placed largely in the rear and front sections of the space shuttles, the spacecraft can turn or change direction. Motion control systems are also Unlike the main engine, it provides a one-way and stronger thrust.
On the other hand, rotating wheels are used in many satellites and the Hubble Space Telescope.
These wheels are used in situations where the spacecraft needs to turn very precisely and It allows the spacecraft to rotate only around itself.
In this system, the principle of conservation of angular momentum is used and the wheels react so that the total angular momentum of the spacecraft system remains constant when it rotates in a certain direction. This The energy required for the rotation of the wheels is provided by solar panels.
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Source link: https://www.webtekno.com/uzay-araclarinin-istedikleri-gibi-yon-degistirebilmesi-h147442.html