The sea is one of the indispensable parts of summer holidays and there are many beliefs about its healing power. The most common of these is that sea water is good for wounds. But is this really true or just an urban legend?
“Salt water burns and is good for you.” We have some explanations that will end your belief.
Sea water, which is not as innocent as you think, has effects on our bodies. open wounds Once you realize what it can do, you won’t want to leave your job to chance.
What does sea water contain?
Sea water contains high salt content and various minerals. has antiseptic properties It can happen. Although these properties can be beneficial for the skin in some cases, the same cannot be said for open wounds.
Sea water is not sterile, so many contain microorganisms, It can increase the risk of wound infection. Warm sea water, in particular, provides an ideal environment for bacterial growth, which can further increase the risk of infection.
It raises the risk of infection.
Although it has some properties such as pain relief, sea water does not provide a sterile environment and can increase the risk of infection rather than helping wounds heal. For example, commonly found in seawater vibrio bacteria, It can cause serious infections when it comes into contact with wounds.
These bacteria are more common, especially in tropical and warm seas, and when they come into contact with open wounds serious health problems such as sepsis may cause.
Not only wound but also individuals with weak immune systems, It is also emphasized that those with chronic diseases such as diabetes or those undergoing chemotherapy should not come into contact with sea water.
What will we do to clean the wounds?
For cleaning and healing wounds sterile saline (salt water) solutions It is recommended to use. These solutions are purified from microorganisms and minimize the risk of infection of wounds.
Wounds that come into contact with sea water should be treated with clean water and water as soon as possible. cleaning with antiseptics and needs to be properly sealed.
But still, be sure to consult a doctor when you have an open wound.
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