An official statement came from CNBC-e, which has been rumored to return for a long time. The channel published a “Hello” message from the X account.
It is engraved in the minds of citizens in Turkey with its broadcasts of many different genres, from foreign TV series to economic content. CNBC-eended its broadcasting life in 2015 and was replaced by TLC, which is still ongoing today.
However, in recent years, there has been information circulating that the legendary channel will return. In a statement made by the channel’s former manager in 2023, it was stated that we would see CNBC-e again. But we haven’t seen much improvement since then. Now something has happened that will make those waiting happy.
A statement came from CNBC-e’s official account!
CNBC-e was founded in November 2023. via official X account A statement was made today. In the statement it made a few hours ago, the channel said that it is compatible with its subtitles. “-Hello!” He officially announced that he would return using his statements. As you can imagine, this sharing made users happy.
In fact, we’ve been seeing signs for a while that he’ll be back soon. On the streets as part of the return campaign on billboards Similar to this post, the words “Hello” were added along with the channel logo.
There is no information yet about CNBC-e’s exact return date. However, these posts and billboards it will happen very soon We can guess. We will inform you when it is finalized.
Some reactions to CNBC-e’s post:
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