Robert Downey Jr. returns to his iconic role as Iron Man. However, this return will take place in Disney parks, not on the big screen. According to the statement made at the D23 event, Downey will portray the character of Tony Stark again in two new Disney park events.
Two new Robert Downey Jr. attractions for Disneyland simulation is coming
Two new parks to be built within the Avengers Campus, which will be located in Disneyland, California, known as the world’s largest amusement park, seem to excite Marvel enthusiasts.
The first of these parks stands out as a simulator called ‘Stark Flight Lab’, where guests will embark on a new experiment of Tony Stark. The second is an adventure spanning multiple universes called ‘Avengers: Infinity Defense’.
In Avengers: Infinity Defense, visitors will visit iconic locations of the Marvel universe such as Wakanda and Asgard, and fight against King Thanos in New York. Both events will feature the voice and image of Robert Downey Jr., so fans will have the chance to re-experience the beloved actor’s performance.
The construction of these new attractions is planned to start in 2025. Once completed, they will double the space of the current Avengers Campus. The park has already increased in popularity with the recent addition of the Deadpool character, and now it will become even more interesting with the return of Iron Man.
While the news of Robert Downey Jr. taking on the role of Doctor Doom is still fresh, fans were surprised when the actor also returned as Iron Man. In addition to showing that Downey’s influence and popularity in the Marvel universe continues, this may also indicate that we will see him in the Iron-Man costume again in the distant future.
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