Honor introduced at the end of May Honor 200 ProIt was launched with the Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 chipset. However, although only a few months have passed, talk has already begun about the successor of this model. A rendering that appeared on the internet, Honor 300 PrIt gives some clues about its design and possible properties.
Looking at the images, the Honor 300 Pro is expected to have a remarkable camera module. This module contains three lenses and a flash unit. There is a curved screen on the front. on the screen dual front camera setup attracts attention; This feature is very similar to its predecessor. In addition, the front panel is almost symmetrical and has thin bezels, which resembles the design of the previous model.
On the hardware side, there are some guesses. The main camera setup is expected to come with a 50MP main sensor and be supported by a periscope telephoto lens with 50X zoom capacity. On the performance side, the device Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 It is estimated that it will have a chipset and a battery with a capacity of 5300mAh. This battery will support 100W wired and 66W wireless fast charging.
On the front, the device is second generation Honor Oasis It will have an eye protection screen. This display will offer zero-risk dual ultra-high frequency dimming. In addition, it is thought that the phone will have IP68 water and dust resistance certification and support for functions such as NFC and IR blaster.
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Source link: https://www.donanimhaber.com/honor-300-pro-nun-sasirtici-tasarimi-sizdirildi–180582