Meta’s popular messaging application WhatsApp comes with new features that will revolutionize group management. Now community managers will be able to control the visibility of their groups more effectively. Thus, group chats will become more secure, private and functional. So how exactly will these features be used? Here are the details…
WhatsApp Starts Testing New Features for Group Chats
Thanks to this new feature that appeared in the latest beta version of WhatsApp, community managers will be able to limit certain group chats to invited members only. In this way, private issues will be discussed in a safer environment. Additionally, visibility settings can be customized even for people who are accepted to membership.
WhatsApp adds a new dimension to voice messages by integrating it with Meta AI. Meta AI will convert your voice messages into text, making them easier to read. In addition, this feature, which will be supported by augmented reality features for Android users, will enrich your WhatsApp experience.
These new features, which are currently only experienced by a limited number of beta testers, will be available to all Android and iOS users in the coming days.
How to Block WhatsApp Group Invites? (Do not be added to WhatsApp Groups!)
We have prepared a detailed guide for people who are wondering what the steps are to block WhatsApp group invitations. Here are the steps you need to follow!
Thus, while Community managers manage their groups more effectively, users will have a more enjoyable communication experience. You can share your thoughts about these innovations in the comments section below.
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