WhatsApp introduced a feature that will make organizing and organizing events much easier.
WhatsApp is constantly bringing new features to keep the app fresh. The last of these features is Events The feature was opened to beta users. With this feature, it becomes much easier for large groups to organize activities together.
New feature of WhatsApp Android betasında being tested. With this feature, groups will be able to organize events together much more easily. Thus, it will be possible to communicate in a more organized and neat way.
How will the new feature work?
The new feature will have a testing period before being opened to all users, and therefore there may be differences between the public version and the beta version. Users who can access the feature in its current form will be able to add events to the calendar. In the group for these activities mass call and location information can be shared.
In fact, almost all of these transactions of WhatsApp It is possible to do this using different features, but the new feature aims to save time and make work easier by gathering all the different processes in one place.
Features that increase productivity or efficiency It has always been appreciated by users. WhatsApp also seems to be appreciated by users with its Events feature. Of course, for this, it is necessary to see the final version of the application.
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Source :
Source link: https://www.webtekno.com/whatsapp-etkinlikler-ozelligi-tanitildi-h147680.html