Studies are being carried out on deadly viruses such as Ebola, Marburg and smallpox in the riskiest laboratories of the USA. So how and why do these laboratories contain these viruses?
Smallpox, in particular, can only be found in two places according to international agreements: a laboratory in Russia and CDC campus in Atlanta.
Well, these are the safest laboratories in the world escape deadly viruses How does it prevent it?
Every laboratory that works with microbes is assigned a biosafety level (BSL) based on the work they do.
BSL-4, the highest level no vaccine or treatment home to deadly airborne germs. At the other extreme is BSL-1, where even harmless microbes are kept in check. The four levels complement each other like Pokémon evolutions.
BSL-1 deals with microbes that do not pose a risk to healthy adults. In laboratories hand wash sink only and simple security measures such as a door.
BSL-2’the ise more dangerous microbes are addressed and laboratory doors are self-closing, and there is an eyewash station and autoclave. BSL-3 deals with exotic microbes or germs with deadly airborne diseases.
BSL-4, on the other hand, are laboratories that work with the most dangerous and exotic microbes.
These laboratories is physically isolated, There are independent air supply and decontamination systems. Their walls are completely airtight and they have lower air pressure than the outside world.
Laboratories, deadly viruses To prevent it from leaving the laboratory designed. There are many security measures at entrances and exits.
For example, when entering a BSL-4 laboratory, identity verification is done, clothing is changed, take a chemical shower and a positive pressure suit is worn.
The CDC campus in Atlanta has some of the safest laboratories.
The last laboratory built was completed in 2005 and was planned to serve for 50 years. However, laboratories will become obsolete before expected and therefore HCCL (High Containment Continuity Laboratory) A new laboratory called is being built.
The new laboratory, with an area of 160,000 square meters It will host BSL-3 and BSL-4 laboratories. The US government’s most dangerous laboratories are equipped with the highest security measures designed to ensure deadly viruses are kept under control.
Strict rules applied here ensure that scientists can work safely and to protect public health It helps.
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