Even though all the disturbing complaints decrease day by day after a cold or flu, the cough does not go away. It continues to persist for days or even months in rare cases. So what is the reason for this?
Some of us are afraid of getting sick just to avoid catching a cough. Because Once we start coughing, it is almost impossible to stop it.
Alright Why doesn’t the cough go away?
The main reason why a cough lasts for a long time is ongoing inflammation.
This inflammation can also have several sources. Among these sources viral and bacterial infections that cause airway and nose inflammation has.
Inflammation irritates the mucous membranes of the airways and nose and causes symptoms associated with colds. It produces mucus, which is phlegm and snot.
Again, when airborne substances enter the airway through the nose or mouth, It triggers nerve receptors in the lungs and tells the brain that they cannot get out of there. Then, pressure occurs in the diaphragm and these substances are expelled with cough.
Additionally, during illness, special immune cells called neutrophils and macrophages help fight infections in the airway.
At the same time, these cells are inflammatory. Sometimes these cells remain in the airway after the cold is over. Therefore Cough may continue after infection.
Additionally, sensitive airway tissues may be extra sensitive to particles entering through the nose or mouth. The reason of this, a complex system of nerves and muscles in the airway, throat, and brain that controls coughing is that it is.
In addition, viruses and mucus are reflex attractors and During the disease, cough becomes a reflex. When the inflammation subsides, this reflex becomes less sensitive and the cough disappears.
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Source link: https://www.webtekno.com/oksuruk-neden-gecmek-bilmez-h146969.html