According to Liu Dali, a former guard, inmates at the Jixi labor camp in China were forced to earn money by playing games.
Liu Dali, a prisoner in China’s labor camp, works in coal mines during the day and works at night. He was fighting demons and performing magic.
Liu as himself Many prisoners play online games He says he was forced to accumulate credits and that these credits were converted into real money by the guards.
Playing World of Warcraft (WoW) is a more lucrative job than physical labor.
Liu was a former guard who was sentenced to three years in prison. According to his estimation, it was one of the games that the prisoners were forced to play. The income generated was greater than that from physical labor.
The former guard explained that 300 prisoners were forced to play games. They worked 12-hour shifts in the camp. he also added.
“5,000-6,000 yuan per day (22.500- 27.200 TL) earned I heard. We have not seen any of this money. “Computers never shut down.”
This practice is known as “gold farming”.
In short, it is repeated in online games. It is the process of accumulating credit and value through simple tasks. Millions of players around the world are ready to pay real money for these credits.
Since this job is quite laborious and this virtual money is needed for in-game progress; millions of players around the world, He was willing to pay real money for virtual gold.
Gold production is quite common in China and all gold Approximately 80% of manufacturers are Chinese.
virtual currency It is illegal to exchange it for real money Therefore, in 2009, the Chinese government introduced a regulation requiring businesses that will perform this operation to obtain a license.
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